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82th Annual Review
1942 – 2024
08 June 2024

173 Royal Tiger Squadron History
The Squadron was granted its Charter from the Air Cadet League of Canada on October 16, 1942, and was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Trenton under the command of Flt/Lt V.P. Carswell. The squadron initially trained in the basement of the old College St. School and only young men between the ages of 14 years 8 months and 17 years 8 months were permitted to join. On October 16, 1944, Trenton High School took over as the squadron’s sponsor and remains the squadron’s sponsor to this day, 82 years later. The longest serving Commanding Officer was S/L W.G. Spencer, who was CO of 173 Squadron and principal of Trenton High School from 1945-1957. There is a strong relationship between Trenton High School and 173 Squadron, we share a home and the tiger as our mascot. From the mid 1940’s to the mid 1960’s the principal of Trenton High School also served as the Commanding Officer. In the early 1950’s until the late 1960’s it was mandatory for each student who attended Trenton High School to spend a minimum of 1 year in the squadron.
In 1955, when Trenton High School was being built, the sqn’s headquarters, offices, and range in the basement was built specifically to meet the squadron’s needs. 
Annually, the squadron presents a number of awards that honor the contributions of previous commanding officers and sponsoring committee members. 
S/Lt J.F. Rowe was the squadron’s Commanding officer from 1963-66, The award in his name is awarded annually to the junior cadet displaying the Greatest Personal Growth.
Capt J.M. Ratchford was the squadrons CO from 1991-1995. The award in his name is awarded to the best cadet of the year. 
Capt. Jeanette Lane, (Ret’d), CO from 1999-2001 and 2002-2005, and her husband, WO C. Lane sponsor the Spirit of the Tiger Award, which is presented to the cadet who demonstrates the most enthusiasm in the squadron.
Capt. Carol Harvey (Ret’d), CO from 2005-2009 sponsor the Esprit de Corps award, which is presented to the cadet with the highest squadron spirit.
The Gerry Tracz Memorial Award is awarded to the cadet who demonstrates the most dedication to the marksmanship program. CWO Tracz (Retired) served as a CIC officer with the squadron following his retirement from the RCAF.



1942 – 1945    Flt/Lt V.P. Carswell
1945 – 1957    S/L W.G. Spencer, CD
1957 - 1963    S/LT .W. Spear, CD
1963 - 1966    S|LT/Lt J.F. Rowe
1966 - 1968    Capt W.M. Mack
1968 - 1969    Capt D.A. Pettigrew
1969 - 1971    Capt J.W. Kaine, CD
1971 - 1974    Capt G.L. Miluck, CD
1974 - 1976    Capt R.G. Brewer, CD
1976 - 1978    Capt T.R. Haigh, CD
1978 - 1979    Capt M. Robbie
1979 - 1982    Capt T.R. Haigh, CD
1982 - 1985    Maj M.N. Savino, CD
1985 - 1988    Capt J.D. Begg,CD
1988 - 1989    Capt D.M Cameron, CD
1989 - 1990    Capt R.D. Statia, CD
1990 - 1991    Capt K.G. Musson, CD
1991 - 1995    Capt J.M. Ratchford, CD
1995 - 1999    Maj S.E. MacLean, CD
1999 - 2001    Capt J. Lane, CD
2001 - 2002    Maj S.E. MacLean, CD
2002 – 2005    Capt J. Lane, CD
2005 - 2009    Capt C. Harvey
2009 - 2011    Capt J. Haigh
2011 - 2014    Capt T. Edwards
2014 - 2017    Capt S. Knautz, CD
2017 - 2018    Capt F. Lachapelle
2018 – 2020    Lt(N) E.M. Andersen, CD
2020 - 2022    Capt D. Woodbeck, CD
2022 - 2023    Capt D. Soo Lum
2023 -              Capt P. Paul, CD


Reviewing Officer
Brigadier-General Roger L. Scott, OMM, CStJ, CD, PhD, FCAN, NP, (Retired)
Brigadier-General Roger Scott, was an Air Cadet with 173 (Royal Tiger) Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron prior to joining the Canadian Armed Forces. He has served in all components of the CAF, except for the Canadian Rangers, as a Regular Force NCM, as an officer in the Cadet Instructor Cadre, as a Primary Reserve Officer, and rounding out his career as a General Officer. BGen Scott has commanded at the unit and formation level and has been a staff officer at all levels. Over his 39-year career he has deployed and served operationally with the Canadian Army, and the Royal Canadian Air Force, and the United States Navy.
BGen Scott is an Officer of the Order of Military Merit and a Commander of the Most Venerable Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. He received a Vice-Regal commendation in recognition of twenty years working as an Aide-de-Camp to four Lieutenant Governors of Alberta. He is also a recipient of the Canada Pride Citation in recognition of the injustice of the LGBT Purge. He was promoted to his final rank in November of 2021 and appointed as the Director General External Reviews Implementation Secretariat. He had the secondary appointment of 2SLGBTQI+ Defence Team Champion from Oct 2022. He retired from the CAF in September 2023. In his civilian career, Dr. Scott has worked as a paramedic, emergency nurse, flight nurse, and nurse practitioner.
Dr. Scott holds an Emergency Medical Technology – Paramedic diploma, as well as Associate, Bachelor, Master, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Nursing. He is a graduate of the Joint Reserve Command and Staff program and the Canadian Security Studies Course at Canadian Forces College. He is also an Ancien of the NATO Defense College Senior Course. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Nursing.

Brigadier-général Roger L. Scott, OMM, CStJ, CD, PhD, FCAN, IP, (Retraité)
Le Brigadier-général Roger Scott, était cadet de l’air au sein du 173e Escadron des cadets de l’Aviation royale du Canada (Royal Tiger) avant de joindre les Forces armées canadiennes. Il a servi dans tous les éléments des FAC, à l’exception des Rangers canadiens, en tant que membre du rang de la Force régulière, en tant qu’officier dans le Cadre des instructeurs de cadets, en tant qu’officier de la Première réserve, et a terminé sa carrière en tant qu’officier général. Le Bgén Scott a commandé au niveau de l’unité et de la formation et a été officier d’état-major à tous les niveaux. Au cours de ses 39 années de carrière, il a été déployé et a servi sur le plan opérationnel au sein de l’Armée canadienne, de l’Aviation royale canadienne et de la marine américaine.
Le Bgén Scott est Officier de l’Ordre du mérite militaire et Commandeur de l’Ordre très vénérable de l’Hôpital de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem. Il a reçu la Mention élogieuse vice-royale de reconnaissance de ses vingt années de travail come aide-de-camp auprès de quatre lieutenant-gouverneurs de l’Alberta. Il est également récipiendaire de la Citation Fierté Canada reconnaissant l’injustice de la Purge LGBT. Il a été promu à son dernier grade en novembre 2021 et nommé le Directeur général Secrétariat de mise en œuvre des examens de l’externe. Il a eu la nomination secondaire de champion des 2ELGBTQI+ de l’Équipe de la Défense à partir d’octobre 2022. Il a pris sa retraite des FAC en septembre 2023.  Au cours de sa carrière civile, le Dr Scott a travaillé comme ambulancier paramédic, infirmier d’urgence, infirmier de vol, et infirmier practicien.

Le Dr Scott détient un diplôme en techniques médicales d’urgence – ambulancier paramédical ainsi qu’un grade d’associé, un baccalauréat, une maîtrise et un doctorat en philosophie dans le domaine des sciences infirmières. Il réussit le Cours de commandement et d’état-major interarmées pour la Réserve et le Programme des études de sécurité canadienne au Collège des Forces canadiennes. Il suit également le Cours supérieur du Collège de défense de l’Organisation du Traité de l’Atlantique Nord.est Fellow de l’Académie canadienne des sciences infirmières.  


173 Squadron Officers and Staff

Commanding Officer              Capt Pauline Paul, CD
Training Officer                        Capt Sarra Ostanski
Supply Officer                          Capt Sandra Knautz, CD
Admin Officer                          Lt Leigh-Anne Frederick
Level Officer                            Capt Derrick Woodbeck, CD
Level Officer                            Capt Anthony Williams
Level Officer                            CV Sean Fulford
CAF Support Staff                  Sgt Wayne Wilson
CAF Support Staff (Band)     Cpl Tristan Soo Lum
Supply Assistant                    CV Max Felwick
Band Instructor                     Capt Kelly Dixon

Chair                                      Ms. Carolyn McColl
Treasurer                              Mr. Damon Perrault        
Fundraising Coordinator   Mrs. Christine Perrault
Directors                               Ms. Ashlee Clark
                                               Mr. Brandon James
                                               Mrs. Cherry Ann Soo Lum
                                               Mrs. Rachel Umbrico
                                               Mrs. Stephanie Groves
                                               Ms. Jennifer Donovan



Reviewing Officer                                      BGen Roger Scott, OMM, CStJ, CD, PhD, FCan, NP (Ret)
173 Sqn Commanding Officer                Capt Pauline Paul, CD
Legion Br 110 Cadet liaison                    Mr. Ron Heffernan
Legion Br 110 President                          Mr. Ralph Lambert
Squadron Director                                   Mr. Craig Spencer    
Sponsoring Committee Chairperson    Ms. Carolyn McColl
Squadron Cadet Commander                WO1 Jorden Rose 
Squadron Deputy Commander             WO2 Jeri Anne Martin
Squadron Warrant Officer                      WO2 Kai Halawa 
#1 Flight Commander                             WO2 Lucas Stott
#2 Flight Commander                             WO2 Levi Martin
Drum Major                                              FSgt Jacob Fulford
Flag Party Commander                           Sgt Avalyne James







List of trophies and awards for Annual 2022
JF Rowe Memorial Trophy
This trophy is awarded to the Junior cadet displaying the Greatest Personal Growth.

Award of Excellence - Level One
This trophy is awarded to the Top Cadet in Level One.  

Award of Excellence—Level Two
This trophy is awarded to the Top Cadet in Level Two.
Award of Excellence—Level Three
This trophy is awarded to Top Cadet in Level Three. This award was determined by the level of performance displayed during all formal assessments conducted in Level 3.
Award of Excellence—Level Four
This trophy is awarded to Top Cadet in Level Four. This award was determined by the level of performance displayed during all formal assessments conducted in Level 4.
Spirit of the Tiger Award
This trophy is awarded to the cadet who puts the most effort and energy into the cadet program.

The 424 Squadron Survival Award
This trophy is awarded to the cadet that demonstrates a high level of proficiency in survival.

The 426 Squadron Thunderbird Air Studies Award
This trophy is awarded to the cadet that contributes the most to the flying program.

The Gerry Tracz Memorial Award
This trophy is awarded to the cadet that contributes the most dedication to the range program.

The Marksmanship Award
This trophy is awarded to the cadet that has earned the highest Aggregate shooting score.

The Music Excellence Award
This trophy is awarded to the cadet that showcases the most dedication and improvement in musical proficiency in the cadet music program. 

The Esprit de Corps Award
This trophy is voted on by the cadets and awarded to the cadet with the highest squadron spirit. 

Commanding Officers Leadership Award
This trophy is awarded to the cadet who demonstrates a high level of Leadership.

JM Ratcheford Award
This trophy is awarded to the Best Cadet of the Year.


Awards and Certificates of Service    
Commanding Officers Commendation
For outstanding Leadership and Support, exemplifies the ideal qualities of a leader in the cadet program.

Royal Canadian Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence 
The Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) Medal of Excellence is awarded in recognition for individual endeavors in citizenship that meet or enhance the aims and objectives of the cadet movement. 

The Lord Strathcona Medal
The Lord Strathcona Medal is one of the highest awards which can be bestowed upon a cadet. It is awarded annually to cadets to recognize exemplary performance in physical training as well as their service, performance, example, and excellence as a cadet. The Lord Strathcona Medal, the certificate and the lapel pin are awarded through the Lord Strathcona Trust..

Certificates of Service / Service Medal Bars

Cadets that have reached their 19th birthday or have reached their senior year and are advancing to the next stage of their careers.

Sgt Anna Syrovatska
Anna will be attending university in September to study Engineering.

FSgt Ryan Winger
Ryan has been accepted to the Canadian Armed Forces where he will be preparing nutritious food items and meals as a military cook. 

WO2 Felecity Chen 
Felecity will be attending university this September.

High Flight

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things

You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air. . . .
Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or ever eagle flew —
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

John Gillespie Magee, Jr


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