We are proud to introduce a new Online Registration Tool to make the registration process easier to join cadets!
Parents/guardians and prospective cadets can now select the following links to assist with the registration process.
Join Cadets – with a simple address, future cadets and their families can easily find a corps/sqn, start the online registration process, and access resources on the steps and information required.
Online Registration Tool for Cadets – this page has information for parents that can support parents through the process for successful completion of the registration.
Online Registration FAQs for adult staff – will host a plethora of questions and answers for easy access to the questions from parents and staff alike.
Online Registration FAQs for Parents – This page will grow as we receive more feedback from user's experiences.

173 Royal Tiger Squadron Air cadets Flag Party Drill

Welcome to the website of 173 Tigers, Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron. This website is intended to communicate pertinent information to cadets, parents, staff, SSC members, and the public regarding activities of the squadron. Any comments or suggestions regarding this website can be submitted to the webmaster through the “contact us” section.
Disclaimer: This website and it’s contents belong to the civilian squadron sponsoring committee (SSC) of 173 Royal Tiger RCACS. This website is not intended to be, nor do they represent in any way, official comments, statistics, or opinions of the Department of National Defence (DND), Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), or the Air Cadet League of Canada.
The Program
Royal Canadian Air Cadets is a dynamic and interactive youth program sponsored by the Air Cadet League of Canada, Department of National Defence (Canadian Armed Forces).
Air Cadets participate in a variety of fun and challenging activities. There is something for everyone – no matter what their personal interests may be.
The majority of cadet training takes place at the local squadron during the regular school year with a percentage of cadets selected for summer training courses at various cadet summer training centres located across Canada. Central to the air cadet program are the gliding and flying scholarships offered to those who qualify. One in five private pilots in Canada is an ex-air cadet and 67% of commercial and airline pilots began as air cadets. There are 456 squadrons located across the country with an approximate enrolment of 23,000 Air Cadets.
Click HERE to read more!